What should you expect now?

First of all, the board of the Thai Nordic Association will evaluate your application. If members of the board have questions, the Treasurer will contact you by email or phone, and when all is ready, the Treasurer will send you an invoice for the membership.

The membership fee is valid for the period first of April to the end of March and cannot be discounted due to the Association law of Thailand, which requires members pay the full fee in order to have the right to vote at our general meetings.

The board of our association does all the work for our members as volunteers and completely free, so if you think the process is taking too long, please send an email to the [email protected], or better add our LINE Official (search Line ID: @344zhexy), which is used, among other things, for event activities and other fun and important information.

In the meantime, please read about ours Privacy Policy.

The details you need to transfer money you will find on our contact page.

You will of course be invited to our ordinary general meeting in April, which is a social and pleasant event, where we always make the important decisions for the future of our associations.

We look forward to seeing you at one of our events in the near future.

Yours Sincerely

The Board of Thai Nordic Association