As a registered association, we have high government requirements for how we register our transactions.

You probably all already know that the bank books do not give us the necessary information about who actually paid into our association’s account.

We are simplifying the tracking of payments from members of the Scandinavian Society Siam and Thai Nordic Golf Society, so we have implemented membership numbers for all of us, both active and passive members, that we have on our membership list.

When Scandinavian Society Siam sends an invoice to you, we always add your membership number in Baht and Satang. Member No. 207, will e.g. have an invoice for a family membership of 2.002.07 Baht, which of course will appear on the bank book on the payment date.

If you initiate a prepayment, you can add your membership number yourself to help the cashier track the payment. For example, our Chairman will send 27,000.82 for a full table to the Crayfish Party on September 26 as his membership number is 82.

If you make a lump payment for several items at the same time, OF COURSE, DO NOT add the membership number more than once. It is not a penalty payment, but a necessity to track the payment, and nothing else 😉

By the way, if you pay in cash at a bank, and they do not accept your membership number in Satang, do NOT round up, but pay the normal amount without the membership number. Please make sure the treasurer is 100% informed about the payment. (If you accidentally round 82 Satang up to 1 Baht, you are actually paying for member no. 100).

And of course, as always, we send the payment slip to

Our treasurer uses, as it always has been, and like the rest of the board, his own unpaid free time to carry out the work, so it will facilitate the task significantly if everyone can make an effort for us to succeed in this small but important project.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Many greetings
The Board of Scandinavian Society Siam