As of today, more than 100 countries all over the world have enforced measures to prevent COVID-19 outbreak and ensure the safety of their citizens and people who live in their countries. In Thailand, the government has also implemented those measures by announcing the Regulation Announcement No .1 and No. 2 issued by the virtue of Section 9 of Emergency Decree Act B.E. 2548 (A.D. 2005) to close some premises which are considered as high-risk infected area, ban foreigners from entering into Thailand, implement curfew, etc. Such measures were introduced for a good cause and have effected to both Thai nationals and foreigners who live in Thailand. Therefore, in this issue, we provide to our clients information on some government measures which have been announced recently by the relevant authority to mitigate the effect due to COVID-19 crisis. The announcements mentioned in this issue relate to the government support for employers and workers under the Social Security Fund, and also support for the foreigners who have the legal right to stay in Thailand under Immigration Act B.E. 2522 (A.D. 1979).
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