Dear Fellow SSS Golf section members

This is your new Captain Speaking,

First of all I would like to thank our previous Captain Erik Dahlstom and the former committee for their long service and contributions to our SSS Golf community. Erik will stay onboard as our Team Captain for the Swedish team, but I will get back to that later. Again a huge Thanks for the enormous job done in the past.

So what is going to happen going forward, to answer that Erik and I have analyzed the past challenges and together we have come up with a set-up that we believe can make it easier to manage the events as well as enhance the fun and joy of meeting and playing Golf under the Scandinavian Society Siam umbrella.

To reduce the workload for the new committee we have worked out a deal with GolfAsian to do all golf course coordination in terms of booking and guaranteeing the bookings with the Golf courses without we as SSS have to pay any advance fee’s, we expect that this will remove a lot of work and stress from the new committee going forward.

We will also on the long term invest in a software to manage Golf Members, Handicaps, Tournament scoring to make it easier to run a Tournament from initial invitation though registration as well as keeping tournament scores and yearly results. The first year subscription will be sponsored by Jebsen & Jessen.

Further to reduce the workload but also ensure proper accounting though SSS we kindly ask that Green Fee’s etc, will be paid to the SSS Bank account, if there is for some reason some member or guest who can only pay cash at arrival, it will be possible to so but we kindly encourage to use Bank transfers.

To brand ourselves better to the Thai Nordic Golf community we have decided to name the section Thai Nordic Golf Society (TNGS) and we continue to be a section under Scandinavian Society Siam, We have created a specific Facebook page Thai Nordic Golf Society and you can find also though the Scandinavian Society Siam Facebook. The main purpose is to spread news and pictures from our Tournaments faster. The Golf section at will be the official website and invitations and information will be posted there as well as send out through the official e-mails to ensure we reach all members. I encourage you to follow both FaceBook and the website to keep up-dated.

10 tournaments is planned for the season 2020/2021 and we have confirmed sponsors for 3 of the tournaments already and I would especially like to highlight Wissen & Co Ltd. For jumping in as a sponsor for our first Tournament.
The Wissen & Co Cup 2020  which will be held on 29th August 2020 at Thana City Country Club. Please see the attached invitation as well as the planned schedule for 2020/2021. We do expect to keep those dates unless something dramatically happens.

Tournament rules and playing format for the monthly tournaments will remain the same as in the past, we will going forward try to have a few more technical prizes and we plan to have a annual prize for best golfers in the season, most Birdies, Eagles, Lowest Put average etc,
The bigger change is that we plan to have a 4 Nation Team competition between Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, we are still working on the details of the formats but we plan that 3-4 players from each Nation earns stableford points to compete for the annual Championship Title which will be settled in June 2021 at the last tournament of the 2020/2021 season.

To help with boosting the participation and coordinate the Nations Cup we will be appointing Team Captains for each country and I am pleased to announce that Erik Dahlstrom has accepted to take charge of the Swedish Team and Frank Roost will be in charge of the Danish team and Anne Marie Hauslo will be in charge of the Norwegian. We are still looking for a Finnish Team Captain so if you would like to help, please let me know and if you need to get hold of any of the team Captains, please contact me and I will connect you.

Financials of the TGNS is currently stretched a little but we have been lucky to have Wissen & Co ltd to sponsor the first tournament as well as we have got financial support from Scandinavian Society as well as Jebsen & Jessen to start-up again, but we need sponsors for some of the up-coming tournaments to make it more fun, I am currently working on sponsorship packages etc, but if you know of any companies or a group of individuals that would like to sponsor a Tournament, please send me the contact details and I will be happy to reach out. I know it is hard times for many companies and people, but if we all can help I am sure we can find a way forward.
That said, if we can for some reasons not find sponsors for the tournaments in year 2020/2021 we will continue with the tournament but kindly ask that you pay food and drinks at the prize ceremony.

What can you do as a member of Scandinavian Society Siam and Thai Nordic Golf Society, first off all show up, play Golf and have fun that is what Golf is all about, secondly we kindly ask you to help to get new Golfing friends and members by inviting fellow Thai Nordic Golfer to join our, it is the members that make a society fun, not the board. If you have more time on your hands we would be pleased to receive help finding sponsors and coming up with other ideas than can make our society fun.

Keep golfing, have fun and look forward to see many of you on the 29th August and if you have any questions, ideas etc please contact me as below.

Best Regards

Henrik Friis
Golf Captain
Thai Nordic Golf Society
Phone: 09 0651 0350